What We Believe




Welcome to our website.

With our nation and Commonwealth closely divided into GOP and Democratic camps, we need your help to ensure that common-sense, traditional, Main Street Republican values and conservative good-government principles triumph.

The Perry County Republican Committee remains one of the most successful political organizations in Pennsylvania. We routinely rack up some of the largest victory margins for Republican candidates statewide.

However, this success comes about only through hard work by dedicated Republican committeepersons, volunteers, and grassroots activists.

We hope you will find this website an easy-to-use tool for learning more about our initiatives aimed at winning local, state, and national elections. We believe that through effective communications, the lofty goals of our Grand Old Party will prevail.

If you would like to become part of our Republican family, support one or more of our GOP candidates, volunteer to work on Election Day, or make a financial contribution, please contact one of your local Republican committeepersons.

Thank you for visiting www.perrygop.org. We welcome your comments and suggestions on how we can make this website even more effective and useful. Please stop by often.

Conservatively yours,

The Perry County Republican Committee


© Perry County Republican Committee
Contact via E-Mail