As Adopted: October 27, 2009
SECTION 1. The organization of the Republican Party of Perry County shall be named and known as the "Perry County Republican Committee."
SECTION 2. The Perry County Republican Committee (Committee) shall be an organization of equal and elected peers that, acting through its officers, has power to acquire, own, hold, sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber, lease, and manage real estate; to acquire and own or lease personal property; to incur obligations and indebtedness; to employ or dismiss employees; and to conduct all business transactions involving the Committee.
SECTION 3. The Committee shall have control of the Republican Party within Perry County and its electoral districts, and shall have authority to put into effect such measures that promote its interests and those of its candidates in accordance with these bylaws as well as responsibilities enumerated under state law.
SECTION 1. Members of the Committee shall be elected in accordance with Act 320 of 1937, Public Law 1333, Pennsylvania Election Code Title 25.
SECTION 2. Members shall be elected every four years by Republican electors of each electoral district during the primary election held in conjunction with the U.S. presidential election. Members elected shall in each instance be qualified electors and registered Republicans residing in said electoral district. To be elected as a write-in candidate, a member must receive at least 10 valid write-in votes from registered Republican electors residing in said electoral district.
SECTION 3. The term of office shall be for four (4) years, unless otherwise established by Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania.
SECTION 4. Each electoral district of Perry County shall have one (1) member on the Committee for each 150 qualified Republican electors therein or fraction thereof, except that no electoral district shall have less than two (2) members on the Committee. Members of the Committee will be computed from Perry County voter registration records and adjusted prior to the circulation of petitions for the primary election in years when committeepersons are elected. The formula used for apportioning Committee seats will be as follows: total registered Republicans per electoral district minus 150 ÷ 150 = number of committee seats for that electoral district. The number of seats will be rounded down in any electoral district where the apportionment calculation fractionally falls below one-half.
SECTION 5. Membership of the Committee from each electoral district may appoint a chairman from that electoral district.
SECTION 6. Members of the Committee shall serve from the date of certification of their election or official appointment (established in Article II, Section 7 of these bylaws) until the following primary election when committeepersons are elected (as noted in Article II, Section 2 of these bylaws), unless disqualified under these bylaws.
SECTION 7. Vacancies within the membership of the Committee shall be filled in the following manner:
a. A qualified Republican residing in the electoral district wherein such vacancy exists who has an interest in filling the seat shall send a formal letter via U.S. mail to the Committee secretary (established in Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws) expressing desire for appointment, or;
b. Any member of the Committee, its officers (established in Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws), or Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws) shall forward the name of a qualified Republican residing in the electoral district wherein such vacancy exists via U.S. mail to the Committee secretary (established in Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws) recommending appointment.
c. The Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws) at its next called meeting will then consider all such nominations for appointment properly received by the Committee secretary (established in Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws). Nominees for appointment to the Committee will be seated upon receiving a majority vote of Executive Committee members present.
SECTION 8. Officers of the Committee (established in Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws) who are not elected members of the Committee, and members of the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws), excluding ex officio members (established in Article VI, Section 1(c) of these bylaws), shall inherit all voting rights and privileges, and assume and be subject to all responsibilities and obligations, as Committee members.
SECTION 9. Members of the Committee shall provide to the treasurer (established in Article IV, Section 4 of these bylaws) the name, address, and telephone number of any person who has made a contribution to the Committee, whether monetary or in-kind, along with the contribution’s value, immediately upon receipt of such contribution.
SECTION 10. Any member of the Committee or Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws) shall be disqualified from serving upon conviction or plea of Nolo Contendre of any felony, or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, committed during the member’s term of office. For any member of the Executive Committee holding countywide or state elective office so impacted, the Committee shall expect that individual to resign from office so as to avoid embarrassing the Republican Party and residents of Perry County.
SECTION 11, Disciplinary action against or recommended dismissal of member(s) of the Committee must be initiated by the chairman (established in Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws). The action shall then be put before the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws) and must receive a majority vote by ballot of Executive Committee members present to take effect. A letter informing the Committee member of the disciplinary action (such as reprimand, censure, etc.) being taken or his/her pending dismissal, along with cause for the action, shall be sent via U.S. mail to the member at least 14 days prior to the Executive Committee meeting at which the situation will be discussed. At that meeting, the member shall have the right to present a defense before the Executive Committee and be able to face those bringing accusations prior to a vote being taken. Any member formally dismissed by this process shall have the right to appeal to the full Committee upon due notice to the Committee secretary (established in Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws) in writing sent via U.S. mail within 30 days after such action; members disciplined shall have no right to appeal.
SECTION 1. Officers of the Committee shall be a chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer, and general counsel, all of whom shall be qualified Republican electors residing in Perry County. Each officer of the Committee who is not an elected member of the Committee shall have a vote in all matters coming before the Committee.
SECTION 2. Officers shall be elected at an organization meeting as provided for in Article V, Section 1 of these bylaws. Nominations for officers shall be made from the floor and shall require at least one second. Balloting for officers shall be by secret ballot when the office is contested. To be elected, an officer candidate must receive a majority of votes cast.
SECTION 3. An officer does not need to be a member of the Committee at the date of his/her election or appointment.
SECTION 4. Officer positions shall be declared vacant only by reason of death, resignation, lack of Perry County residency, removal from office, or conviction or plea of Nolo Contendre of any felony, or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, committed during the term of office.
SECTION 5. Should a vacancy occur in the office of chairman, the vice chairman shall call a special meeting of the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws) to be held within 30 days of the date when the vacancy occurred. At that meeting, the Executive Committee will elect a successor to fill the unexpired term of the chairman.
SECTION 6. All other vacancies in Committee officer positions shall be filled by the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws) for the unexpired term of the office within 30 days of when the vacancy occurred.
SECTION 7. Any officer shall be removed during his or her term if a two-thirds majority of the entire Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws) by ballot determines the officer has failed to serve the best interests of the Committee or the Republican Party and its candidates. To take effect, such removal must be ratified by a majority of the Committee at a special meeting called by the General Counsel to consider the issue, or in the case of recommended removal of the General Counsel, by the chairman. In situations where removal of the chairman will be considered, the vice chairman shall preside at the special meeting.
SECTION 8. In the event an officer is unable to fulfill the duties of his or her office for an extended period (more than 60 days), the officer shall submit a letter requesting a leave of absence to the secretary (or in the case of the secretary, to the chairman). The letter shall outline the reason(s) for the request and specify a date when the officer shall resume required duties. The request shall then be reviewed by the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws) within 30 days. If it is determined the reason(s) is/are valid and will not prove overly disruptive to the Committee, the Executive Committee shall accept the request for a leave of absence, but may name an eligible individual to fill the officer position on an interim basis until the officer granted the leave of absence resumes his or her duties as specified.
SECTION 9. Compensation for officers and Perry County members of Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania shall be determined on an annual basis by the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws).
SECTION 1. Chairman
a. Shall call and preside at all regular, special, and organization meetings of the Committee and Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws), except as provided for in Article III, Section 7 of these bylaws.
b. Shall carry out rules governing the Committee as set forth in these bylaws and any resolutions duly passed by the Committee.
c. Shall appoint all standing and ad hoc committees and serve as ex officio member of each. When appointing committees, due consideration shall be given to achieving balance among electoral districts.
d. Shall dismiss or formally discipline any member who is not working for the best interests of the Committee or the Republican Party and its candidates under the procedure established in Article II, Section 11 of these bylaws.
e. Shall fill vacancies as set forth in Article VII, Section 1(b) and (c) of these bylaws.
f. Shall encourage and recruit Perry County residents to seek elective office.
g. May appoint up to nine members of the Committee to the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws).
h. Shall provide oversight on all matters relating to Committee income and expenditures.
i. Shall establish a process to ensure information sharing and coordination of activities with Republican-affiliated interest organizations and federations within Perry County, such as, but not limited to, women’s groups, Young Republicans, and Pachyderm Clubs.
SECTION 2. Vice Chairman
a. Shall preside at all called meetings in absence of the chairman and perform other duties as authorized by the chairman and/or Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws).
b. Shall inherit powers of the chairman during the interim period between when a vacancy in the office of chairman occurs and the election of a successor to fill the unexpired term, as set forth in Article III, Section 5 of these bylaws.
c. Shall preside at special meetings of the Committee to consider removal of the chairman as provided for in Article III, Section 7 of these bylaws.
SECTION 3. Secretary
a. Shall attend or be represented at all meetings of the Committee, Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws), and other standing and ad hoc committees (authorized in Article VI, Section 2 of these bylaws).
b. Shall record all votes and minutes and maintain records of such, and provide copies of the minutes from the most recent Committee, Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws), and other standing and ad hoc committee meetings (authorized in Article VI, Section 2 of these bylaws) to the membership prior to every regular, special, or organization meeting.
c. Shall send notices and other correspondence of all meetings to the membership.
d. Shall serve as custodian of all books and records of the Committee.
e. Shall provide a true and correct copy of Committee bylaws and list of Committee members annually to the Perry County Bureau of Elections.
f. Shall compute the apportionment of Committee members (as set forth in Article II, Section 4 of these bylaws) prior to the circulation of petitions for the primary election in years when committeepersons are elected.
g. Shall present to the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws) nominations of qualified Republicans for appointment to the Committee, as set forth in Article II, Section 7 of these bylaws.
h. Shall provide to members of the Committee proposed resolution(s) that have been recommended by the Executive Committee or pushed to the floor by petition, as provided for in Article XI of these bylaws.
i. Shall accept proposed revisions or amendments to Committee bylaws from members of the Committee and forward them to the chairman, as provided for in Article XII, Section 2 of these bylaws.
SECTION 4. Treasurer
a. Shall have charge of all funds of the Committee and shall deposit them in such depositories as are designated by the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws).
b. Shall pay all vouchers, as follows:
(1) Those less than $250 incurred by or on behalf of the Committee and properly attested to by the chairman and/or secretary.
(2) Those totaling $250 or more that have been approved by the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws).
(3) All campaign expenses that have been approved by the Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws).
c. Shall be provided the name, address, and telephone number of any person who has made a contribution to the Committee, whether monetary or in-kind, along with the contribution’s value, immediately upon receipt of such contribution by any member of the Committee.
d. Shall keep a complete and accurate record of Committee finances and make such reports as are required by state and federal law and requested by the Committee and/or its Executive Committee (established in Article VI, Section 1 of these bylaws).
e. Shall provide a report on Committee finances at each regular, special, or organization meeting.
SECTION 5. General Counsel
a. Shall serve as the legal advisor to the Committee and its related committees.
b. Shall call special meetings of the Committee to consider the removal of officers as provided for in Article III, Section 7 of these bylaws.
c. Shall review and offer comments on bylaws revisions or amendments, as provided for in Article XII, Section 1(a) of these bylaws.
d. Shall represent the Committee in all legal matters.
SECTION 1. An organization meeting of the Committee will be held in years that committeepersons are elected. The incumbent chairman shall, within 60 days after the primary election held in such years, call a meeting of the Committee for the purpose of organization. Such meeting shall be convened within Perry County at a time designated by the incumbent chairman. At the organization meeting, the Committee shall elect a chairman and other officers, as set forth in Article III, Section 1, to serve until the next organization meeting.
SECTION 2. The Committee shall endeavor to meet at least twice each year at the call of the chairman. Such meetings shall be convened within Perry County.
SECTION 3. Special meetings may be called by the chairman upon five days advance notice in writing to all members of the Committee. A special meeting shall also be called by the chairman upon the written request of at least a majority of the members of the Committee. Said request shall state the purpose for which the special meeting is being called.
SECTION 4. All meetings of the Committee shall be governed by provisions set forth in "Robert's Rules of Order." The chairman (or the vice chairman when presiding at a special meeting to consider removal of the chairman as set forth in Article III, Section 7 of these bylaws) shall designate a parliamentarian from within or outside the Committee to assist with all meetings.
SECTION 1. Executive Committee
a. The Executive Committee shall be made up of the five Committee officers; Perry County members of Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania; Perry County row officers, if elected Republicans— commissioners, sheriff, prothonotary, register and recorder, treasurer, coroner, district attorney, auditors, and jury commissioner; state senator(s) and state representative(s) representing Perry County if elected as registered Perry County Republicans; all former chairmen (chairmen emeritus) of the Committee who served in the position for at least four (4) years and who qualify for and accept appointment; and up to nine elected members of the Committee appointed by the chairman, serving at his/her discretion. If one or more of the five officers of the Committee also serves as a member of Republican State Committee, as a county officer, or as a state Senator(s) or state Representative(s), the chairman may appoint additional elected member(s) of the Committee to the Executive Committee so as to bring the Executive Committee up to its full eligible complement.
b. Due consideration shall be given by the chairman to achieving balance among electoral districts when appointing Executive Committee members.
c. The following shall serve as ex officio members of the Executive Committee: state senator(s) and state representative(s) from district(s) encompassing Perry County, if elected as registered Republicans, but residing in another county.
d. Members of the Executive Committee, excluding ex officio members, shall inherit all voting rights and privileges, and assume and be subject to all responsibilities and obligations, as Committee members.
e. The Executive Committee should endeavor to meet at least once each calendar quarter at the call of the chairman. A majority of Executive Committee members present shall decide all questions that may arise, except regarding the removal of officers as provided for in Article III, Section 7 of these bylaws.
f. Duties of the Executive Committee are as follows:
(1) Review all Committee vouchers of $250 or more, as well as all campaign expenses of any amount. Executive Committee approval must be received on these vouchers and expenses prior to payment. Executive Committee review and approval can take place electronically under a procedure established by the Executive Committee.
(2) Approve disciplinary action against Committee members or dismissals of officers and Committee members under the processes set forth in Article II, Section 11 and Article III, Section 7 of these bylaws.
(3) Provide advice and consent on filling political office vacancies as set forth in Article VII, Section 1(b) and (c) of these bylaws.
(4) Emergency powers to act in all matters in the interim between meetings of the Committee as a whole, which, in the opinion of the chairman, are not serious enough to require the calling of a special meeting of the Committee.
(5) Review and recommend proposed resolution(s) submitted by members of the Committee, as provided for in Article XI of these bylaws.
(6) Fill Committee and officer vacancies as provided for in Article II, Section 7 and Article III, Sections 5 and 6 of these bylaws.
(7) Review and grant requests from officers for a temporary leave of absence and name eligible individuals to fill officer posts so abandoned on an interim basis, as provided for in Article III, Section 8 of these bylaws.
(8) Establish compensation for Committee officers and Perry County members of Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania on an annual basis.
SECTION 2. Any other standing or ad hoc committees, such as, but not limited to, Audit, Campaign, Communications, Finance, Sunshine, Voter Registration, Website, and Youth Outreach that are, in the judgment of the chairman, necessary for the advancement of the Republican Party in Perry County.
SECTION 1. Vacancies in various tickets caused by withdrawal or death, or the creation of a new office, shall be filled in the following manner:
a. Congressional, Senatorial, Legislative, or Judicial District
(1) Vacancy in the ticket shall be filled by conferees selected by the Committees of the respective county(ies). Perry County conferees will be chosen by the Committee by ballot at a special meeting called by the chairman.
(2) Each county shall be entitled to one conferee (vote). For every additional 1,500 votes cast for the Republican nominee for President in the last preceding presidential election, each county will receive an additional conferee.
(3) The conferees shall meet at a time and place to be fixed by the chairman of Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania.
(4) Should said conferees be unable to agree, the chairman of Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania shall appoint a representative Republican residing in such district to act as a referee in bringing about a nomination. Nothing in these rules shall supersede or be in conflict with Act 320 of 1937, Public Law 1333, Pennsylvania Election Code Title 25.
b. County Row Offices
(1) Vacancy in the ticket shall be filled at a special meeting of the Committee called for that purpose, except when the vacancy occurs at such time that it would be impossible to fill such vacancy within the time limit allowed by election laws. In such cases, the chairman shall fill the vacancy with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.
c. Boroughs, Townships, and School Districts
(1) Vacancy in the ticket shall be filled by a majority vote of all Committee members from such electoral district(s) at a meeting called or under a process established by the chairman for the purpose of filling the vacancy. Where it is impossible for members of the Committee so assembled to agree on a candidate for the vacancy, the chairman shall fill the vacancy with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 1. A quorum for purposes of conducting Committee business shall consist of at least 20 duly elected or appointed committeepersons represented in person or by proxy. A majority of committeepersons present shall decide all questions that may arise.
SECTION 1. Every member of the Committee and Executive Committee (except ex officio members as established Article VI, Section 1(c) of these bylaws) shall have the right to vote at all regular, special, and organization meetings and to hold Committee office.
SECTION 2. Members of the Committee or Executive Committee must support all General Election nominees of the Republican Party (except in extraordinary circumstances approved by the full Committee where support for an Independent candidate is warranted) or be dismissed from the Committee under the process set forth in Article II, Section 11 of these bylaws.
SECTION 3. Any member of the Committee or Executive Committee, elected or appointed, who seeks elected office and receives ONLY the nomination of another established political party (as a result of cross-filing or by write-in) shall either withdraw from said ticket or resign from the Committee. Failure to do so shall result in dismissal from the Committee under the process set forth in Article II, Section 11 of these bylaws.
SECTION 4. Members of the Perry County Republican Committee shall not engage in any type of egregious personal conduct, by verbal or written communications, that brings public reproach upon the Republican Party, its candidates, or the Committee. In addition, members shall, first and foremost, represent residents and taxpayers of Perry County. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action or dismissal under the process set forth in Article II, Section 11 of these bylaws.
SECTION 1. Any member of the Committee who shall be absent from a regular, special, or organization meeting shall have the power to substitute by proxy any qualified, registered Republican elector residing in his/her electoral district, other than another member of the Committee, to act on his/her behalf.
SECTION 2. All proxies shall be in writing, signed, and witnessed by at least one person. No person may vote more than one proxy.
SECTION 3. Proxies shall be furnished by the secretary or downloaded from the Committee’s website, www.perrygop.org, and shall be in the following form:
I, the undersigned, a member of the Perry County Republican Committee, hereby make, constitute and appoint _________________________________ as my true and lawful proxy with full power of substitution for me and in my name, place, and stead, to attend and represent me at the meeting of the Perry County Republican Committee to be held on ____________________, 20____, and thereat to vote upon all matters and take part in the transaction of any and all business that may come before the said meeting as fully and with like effect as I could if personally present and voting, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said proxy may do or cause to be done in the premises.
DATED ________________________________, 20____.
SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF_____________________________________________________
SECTION I: Any member(s) of the Committee in good standing may propose resolutions for Committee review and action. Proposed resolution(s) must first be submitted in writing to the secretary, who will then forward it/them to the chairman The chairman shall then provide a full and correct copy of the proposed resolution(s) to the Executive Committee for review and comment at its next called meeting. The Committee member(s) sponsoring the resolution(s) shall have the right to speak on behalf of the resolution(s) before the Executive Committee at that meeting. Upon receiving Executive Committee recommendation, copies of the proposed resolution(s) will be provided to all members of the Committee prior to a regular meeting for consideration.
SECTION 2: Should a proposed resolution(s) not be recommended by the Executive Committee, members(s) proposing the resolution(s) may bring it/them to the floor of a regular Committee meeting by presenting to the chairman, at least 15 days in advance of a regular meeting, a petition requesting floor time signed by 10 members of the Committee. Copies of the proposed resolution(s) will then be provided by the secretary to all members of the Committee prior to the next called regular meeting for consideration.
SECTION 1. These bylaws may be revised, amended, or suspended by a majority vote of members of the Committee present in person or represented by valid proxy at any regular, special, or organization meeting, providing that:
a. Before any revisions or amendments to these bylaws are acted upon, the chairman shall submit the proposed revisions or amendments to the general counsel for review and comment, and then shall certify to all members of the Committee a full and correct copy of the proposed bylaws revisions or amendments, clearly marked, with an opinion on the wording and its legality from the general counsel attached, at least 10 days before the next regular, special, or organization meeting.
SECTION 2. Proposed revisions or amendments to these bylaws shall be made in writing and provided to the secretary, and may be offered only by members of the Committee.
SECTION 1. These bylaws shall be adopted by a majority vote of members of the Committee present in person or represented by valid proxy at the time of their proposal to the membership for ratification. They shall be in full force and effect immediately upon approval and shall supersede all previous bylaws acted on by the Committee.
SECTION 2. A true and correct copy of these bylaws shall be maintained and posted on the Committee’s website, www.perrygop.org, and shall be provided annually to the Perry County Bureau of Elections by the secretary as set forth in Article IV, Section 3(e) of these bylaws.
These bylaws were adopted by the Perry County Republican Committee at a meeting held on October 27, 2009.